Friday, October 17, 2008

Day 35

Finally golfing activity felt through because of the weather. Instead we went to play "commodore", a popular canadian sport. Is very similar to "bowling", but with some differences.
- The ball is smaller and without holes.
- There are only 5 bowls, and each one has differents scores.
- Each round you have 3 chances to hit all bowls.

I'm not very good (similar than playing bowling), but it was very funny. Also in this bowlarama I saw, for first time since I arrived in Vancouver, I saw a foosball machine. Possibly, one of the most popular spanish inventions.

Yesterday Paul asked us if someone wanted to move to a new bedroom downstairs. At the beginning I wasn't sure about what to do, but finally I decided to rule this option out, because I'm fine in my bedroom now.

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