Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day 32

Like I expected, I didn't have internet in the Rockies. And yesterday, when I arrived home, I was too much tired to write anything. So, sorry for the inconvenience.

The trip was great. The landscapes are very beautiful. I can't describe them with words, so if you wanna know how wonderful are they you must enter in my picassa album, where I am uploading all the pictures I took. Also I knew new friends from other schools. Actually, it was an amazing weekend.

Yesterday was the "Thanksgiving Day" in Canada. I hoped be at home, but when I arrived they had already taken the dinner. Whatever, they saved some food for me, and I liked it a lot.

Last weekend, while we were in the bus, I talked with Marcelo about literature, because he also like writing. So today we talked with Christine (one teacher of CSLI) to propose her creating a "writing club" in CSLI. Maybe she can give us a sentence each week and we would write a short story starting with this sentece. I think it could be funny and, at the same time, a good way to practise english.

I am spending a big chunk of the nest egg that I tucked away the last two years, but I am sure that I am using this money very well.


Anonymous said...

"Sorry for the inconvenience..." Are you from Sweden?

Amenambar said...

Of course. Didn't you know it?
I even thought write "I apologize for the incovenience" ;)