Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 25

Today was the "Spanish Day Eve". We went to buy the food for the lunch and after that we were cooking in the CSLI's kitchen, for 4 hours. We found a cheaper supermarket not very far from the school, so we needed less money than we expected to buy the food. Then we decided buy more food to prepare a dessert too.

We have cooked 4 spanish omeletes, a lot of gazpacho (I don't exactly how much, maybe 2 or 3 liters) and "milky rice" yet, but we still have to prepare the "pan tumaca" tomorrow, before the lunch. I also made some costumes (with plastic glasses and garbage bags) to dress ourselves like bulls. I think the spanish day is gonna be funny, and everybody is gonna be mesmerized. But people should be careful in the running of bulls if they don't wanna be dragged by the bulls ;)

Tomorrow I'm gonna take my camera and my videocamera too, so I hope can show later how the spanish day was.

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